Waste collection, treatment and disposal; reuse of waste materials
Branch 38.1 – Waste collection
Collection of non-hazardous waste
Activity code 38.11Includes: - collection of non-hazardous solid waste (garbage) on local territory, such as collection of municipal and commercial waste in containers which can be a mixture of reusable materials - collection of recyclable materials - collection of waste from public areas - collection of construction waste - collection and disposal of waste such as branches and gravel - collection of textile waste - activities in transfer stations for non-hazardous waste. Does not include: - collection of hazardous waste, part. 38.12 - operation of landfills for disposal of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21 - operation of a plant for sorting and separating mixed waste (paper, plastic, etc.) intended for recycling, part. 38.32
Collection of hazardous waste
Activity code 38.12It includes the collection of solid and non-solid waste, e.g. explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritating, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious and other substances and preparations dangerous to human health and the environment. It includes identification, processing, packaging and marking of waste for transport. Includes: - collection of hazardous waste such as: * used motor oils * biologically hazardous waste * nuclear waste * used batteries - activities in hazardous waste transfer stations. Does not include: - cleaning and remediation of contaminated buildings, mined locations, land, then groundwater, asbestos removal, part. 39.00
Branch 38.2 – Waste treatment and disposal
Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
Activity code 38.21Includes disposal and treatment before disposal of solid and non-hazardous non-solid waste: - operation of non-hazardous waste landfills - disposal of non-hazardous waste by incineration or incineration or other methods, with or without use for the production of electricity or steam, compost, fuel substitutes, biogas, ash or other products for further use. - treatment of organic waste for disposal. Does not include: - incineration and incineration of hazardous waste, part. 38.22 - operation of a plant for sorting mixed waste such as paper, used plastic cans and metals for re-use, part. 38.32 - decontamination, cleaning of soil, water, removal of hazardous substances, part. 39.00
Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
Activity code 38.22Includes: - operation of hazardous waste treatment plant - treatment and disposal of poisoned or dead animals and other contaminated waste - incineration of hazardous waste - Disposal of used devices (eg refrigerators), from which harmful ones are then removed matter - treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste, including: * treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals * encapsulation, preparation or other treatment of nuclear waste for storage. Does not include: - reprocessing of nuclear fuel, part. 20.13 - incineration of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21 - decontamination and cleaning of soil and water, removal of hazardous substances pollution reduction, part. 39.00
Branch 38.3 – Reuse of materials
Wreck removal
Activity code 38.31It includes the dismantling of wrecks of any kind (cars, ships, computers, televisions and other devices) in order to reuse the material. Does not include: - Disposal of used goods as refrigerators in order to eliminate harmful waste, part. 38.22 - dismantling of cars, ships, computers, televisions and other appliances for the purpose of resale of used parts, sector G
Reuse of classified materials
Activity code 38.32It involves the processing of metallic and non-metallic wastes and wastes and residues into secondary raw materials, usually involving physical or chemical transformation processes. It also includes the reuse of materials from waste streams in the form of: 1) separation and sorting of reusable materials from non-hazardous waste streams or 2) separation and sorting of reusable mixed waste, such as paper, plastics, used cans and metals in different categories. Does not include: - production of finished products from secondary raw materials, such as: production of yarn and fibers from the remains of ready-made goods, production of pulp from waste paper, retreading of rubber or production of metals from metal waste, which should be classified into appropriate activities (sector C manufacturing) - processing of nuclear fuel waste, part. 20.13 - remelting of waste and scrap of iron, part. 24.10 - reuse of waste in the process of incineration or incineration, part. 38.2 - treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21 - treatment of organic waste for disposal, including composting process, part. 38.21 - obtaining energy during the process of incineration of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21 - treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals, etc., part. 38.22 - treatment and disposal of toxic and contaminated waste, part. 38.22 - wholesale of waste and scrap, part. 46.77

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