Sole Proprietor Formation in Serbia
Sole Proprietor formation in Serbia
Start your business in Serbia
The fastest and most cost-effective way to start your own business
Focus on developing your business idea, and leave the entire registration procedure of Sole Proprietor to us.

Test your entrepreneurial skills and your business idea in the market with the lowest tax rates and the greatest flexibility. The form of Sole Proprietor (PR) allows you to start your business activity very fast and to make a legal break at any time for as much as you want. Also, in case that your idea does not prove to be successful and viable, Sole Proprietor can be easily closed.
If you have an idea for your own business, setting up a shop or agency provides you with some very important options for business development: flat tax rates and lower income taxes, the possibility of inactivity status, as well as a simple closing process. Setting up a sole tarder is the best option for anyone who wants to try out the world of business. Whether you are employed or not, becoming a sole trader can be turning point in your career and an opportunity to realize your business ideas. The sole trader is liable pesonally for all potential debts and this may be the only drawback of this legal form. However, with appropriate legal support this possibility can be completely ruled out. Are you interested in registering as a sole trader as quickly as possible?
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
Would you like to receive a detailed proposal for Sole Proprietor formation?
Do you want to consult with us
before starting the formation process?
If you want to check all legal and tax aspects of running a business in Serbia before setting up a Sole Proprietorship, make an appointment with our consultants. The meeting can be online or at our offices. We will make sure to answer all your enquiries.
9 years of successful business consulting
with rich experience and great reviews
Direkta offers complete support for starting, activating and developing a Sole Proprietorship in Serbia
Our business support concept is designed to include everything you need to successfully set up a Sole Proprietor. We provide necessary consulting for choosing the right tax model; we create all required documents; we lead all processes according to regulations; we successfully organize all Sole Proprietor activation and development steps in a timely manner. You can count on our rich professional experience in business consulting, transparent cost plans and effective communication throughout the process.
Need assistance in branding your business? We can help you with that too!
We have
Sole Proprietors
We have
Residence permits
We have
Tax applications
We have
Cost-effective plans
We save your money and time
Our service packs are designed to cover all aspects of starting a business in Serbia with the unique opportunity to finish everything in one place. By providing professional legal support and efficient management we shorten the procedure, saving your time, energy and money. You can focus on developing your business while we deal with all necessary administrative requirements.

All in one place
Affordable service packages for starting a business in Serbia

- Documents Creation
- SBRA Registration Fees
- Self-Inking Stamp
Popular Choice

- Documents Creation
- SBRA Registration fees
- Self-Inking Stamp
- Bank Account Opening
- Accounting Consultations
- Tax Aplication
- Digital Signature Certificate

- Documents Creation
- SBRA Registration Fees
- Self-inking Stamp
- Bank Account Opening
- Accounting Consultations
- Tax Application
- Digital Signature Certificate
- Business Email Address
- Residence Permit Application
Easy Business Setup
Quick Sole Proprietor Formation in three simple steps
Select a package
Choose the package that meets your needs to help you start and grow your business
Submit the data
Fill in the simple online order forms and provide us with the details of your business
Make a payment
Review your order details and make a payment by choosing suitable payment method
Timeline projection and detailed roadmap
Because time is money, we provide you with clear and transparent process
15 days
You are in the right place
Why choose Direkta
for starting a business?
Our business consultants are on your disposal via our 24/7 chat system.
Build your business presence quickly
Choose a prestigious location for your headquarters address
Interested in a virtual office? Learn more!

Bank Account Opening and Regulation Compliance Assistance
We guarantee a full support in activation of your Sole Proprietor
Within the selected package, you can count on the support of our experienced business consultants and legal associates who will help you to open a bank account, activate your tax status, obtain a digital signature certificate and create necessary legal documents so that your Sole Proprietor will always be compliant to all government regulations.

Our clients get access to a case status tracking system to keep up to date with the procedure
We have enabled you to follow in real time what is happening with your process of Sole Proprietor formation in Serbia, from starting the procedure to downloading the documentation in electronic form and organizing further steps.
What is the difference between a sole proprietor and an agency?
These are terms used colloquially for the legal form of „preduzetnik (PR)“ ie. a natural person performing a particular business activity. When registering an agency or sole trader, the term agency may be added to the name, with all other items required by law as a mandatory part of the business name for sole traders.
Is it mandatory to register more than one business activity code?
According to the Act on Companies, all business entities, including soel traders, are obliged to register one predominant activity, that is, the activity that they will be most engaged in. At the same time, the Law allowed business entities to perform other activities that are not prohibited by law, regardless of whether they are registered or not.
Can an employee become a sole trader?
Absolutely. Any person who is employed may also register as a sole trader, which is registered as an additional activity.
Can PR (sole proprietor) be transferred to d.o.o (LLC)?
The Companies Act allows such a change in legal form. In this case, two proceedings are conducted at the Serbian Business Registers Agency. Firstly, closing the PR and then the procedure for establishing a company, ie. limited liability companies - d.o.o is performed.
What is the difference between lump sum tax rates and self-taxation?
In case of flat tax rate the sole trader pays a monthly amount of taxes according to the decision made by the competent tax administration. The amount is determined on the basis of several parameters, so it cannot be precisely determined before. Self-taxation is a form of controlling your salary and pay taxation on that amount. For this type of self- taxation, it is essential that you have a licensed bookkeeper who will professionally keep your books in compliance with applicable regulations.
Can the address of Sole Proprietor match the address of residence?
The sole trader form allows this possibility. It is necessary to obtain the consent of the property owner to cede the premises to perform the business activity or to make a contract of renting the space. The only requirement is that the address of sole trader must be at the teritory of Serbia.
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