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Public administration and defense; compulsory social insurance

Public administration and defense; compulsory social insurance

Branch 84.1 – Public administration, economic and social policy

Activity of state bodies

Activity code 84.11
Includes: - legislative and executive power of state bodies at all levels - management and supervision of fiscal affairs: * work of tax authorities * collection of customs and taxes and monitoring the application of tax regulations * customs administration - budget execution and management of public funds and debts: * collecting, charging and controlling spending money - management of research and development policy and funds intended for those purposes - management of economic and social development and statistical affairs at all levels. Does not include: - management of buildings owned or leased by the state, part. 68.2 and 68.3 - management of research and development aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals and funds intended for these purposes, part. 84.12 - management of research and development aimed at improving economic activities and competitiveness, del. 84.13 - management of research and development related to defense and funds intended for these purposes, part. 84.22 - work of state archives, part. 91.01

Regulation of activities of entities providing health care, services in education and culture and other social services, except compulsory social security

Activity code 84.12
Includes: - management of state programs aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals: health, education, culture, sports, recreation, environment, housing and social services, management of research and development in these areas and funds intended for these purposes - sponsorship of cultural and recreational activities - distribution of donations to artists - management of drinking water supply programs - management of waste collection and disposal programs - management of environmental protection programs - management of housing programs. Does not include: - collection, disposal and recycling of waste and waste water, part. 37, 38 and 39 compulsory social security, part. 84.30 - education activity, sector P - activity of health care of the population, part. 86 - activities of museums and other cultural institutions, part. 91 - activity of state libraries and archives, part. 91.01 - sports and other recreational activities, part. 93

Business organization and contribution to more successful business in the field of economy

Activity code 84.13
Includes: - state management of various economic areas and their regulation, including the distribution of subsidies: agriculture, land use, energy and mining, infrastructure, transport and communications, catering and tourism, wholesale and retail trade - research management for the improvement of economic activity, development management, as well as funds intended for those purposes - management of nuclear facilities - management of general affairs in the field of work - application of regional development measures, e.g. measures to reduce unemployment - accreditation activities, determining the competence of organizations to perform conformity assessment activities - standardization, adoption, publication, review and withdrawal of standards. Does not include: - research and development activities, part. 72

Branch 84.2 – Ancillary activities for the functioning of the state

Foreign affairs

Activity code 84.21
Includes: - foreign affairs, activities of diplomatic and consular missions abroad or at international organizations - management of cultural and information services intended for the dissemination of information and culture beyond state borders - providing assistance to foreign countries, regardless of whether the assistance is sent through international organizations - providing military assistance to foreign countries - management of foreign trade, international financial and technical assistance. Does not include: - international protection of refugees from disaster affected areas or conflict situations, part. 88.99

Defense affairs

Activity code 84.22
Includes: - management, supervision and conduct of military defense operations for ground and air defense- bene forces such as: * combat forces of the Army, Air Force and Air Defense * engineering, traffic, communication, intelligence, material, human and others non-combat forces and commands * reserve and auxiliary forces of the defense system * military logistics (supply of equipment, funds, groceries, etc.) * health care of military personnel - management and leadership of civilian defense forces - implementation of contingency plan and execution of exercises involving civilian institutions and the population - management of research and development related to defense, as well as funds intended for those purposes. Does not include: - research and development activities, part. 72 - providing military assistance to foreign countries, part. 84.21 - provision of emergency supply in the country in case of peacetime disasters, part. 84.24 - education in military schools, faculties and academies, part. 85.4 - activities of war hospitals, part. 86.10

Judicial and judicial activities

Activity code 84.23
Includes: - management of courts and the work of courts for civil, criminal, administrative, misdemeanor and other court proceedings, as well as the work of other judicial bodies, including the public prosecutor's office and representatives of state bodies, territorial autonomy bodies and local self-government units - making court decisions and interpreting the law - management of penitentiaries. Does not include: - counseling and representation in criminal proceedings, civil and other disputes, part. 69.10 - activities of prison schools, part. 85 - activities of prison hospitals, part. 86.10

Ensuring public order and safety

Activity code 84.24
Includes: - management of regular and reserve police forces and their work, then the work of port, border and coast guards and other special police forces, including traffic regulation and registration of foreigners, as well as keeping records of arrests - providing emergency procurement in the country in case of peacetime disasters. Does not include: - activities of police laboratories, part. 71.20 - defense affairs, part. 84.22

Activity of fire brigades

Activity code 84.25
Includes: - fire extinguishing and fire protection - management of regular and auxiliary fire brigades for fire protection and their work, extinguishing fires, rescuing people and animals, providing assistance in civil accidents, floods, traffic accidents, etc. Does not include: - forest fire service if it does not perform the activity independently, part. 02.40 - extinguishing fires in oil and gas fields, part. 09.10 - fire protection and firefighting at airports if it is not performed independently activity, part. 52.23

Branch 84.3 – Compulsory social insurance

Compulsory social security

Activity code 84.30
Includes: - financing and management of mandatory social protection programs: * health insurance, insurance against injuries at work and unemployment insurance * pension insurance * programs that mitigate the loss of income during maternity leave, temporary incapacity for work, due to the death of the spouse, etc. Does not include: - voluntary social insurance, part. 65.30 - social assistance and social work services (excluding accommodation), part. 88.10 and 88.99
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