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Activities of the association

Activities of the association

Branch 94.1 – Activities of business and professional organizations and employers

Activities of business and employers membership organizations

Activity code 94.11
Includes: - activities of organizations whose members unite to develop and improve the work of business entities in a particular area, including agriculture, or due to economic growth and the general business climate of a particular regional area or administrative-territorial unit, regardless of business area - activities of associations of such associations - activities of chambers of commerce, guild associations and similar organizations - dissemination (dissemination) of information, representation before state institutions, relations with public and negotiating the work of business organizations and employers. Does not include: - trade union activities, part. 94.20

Activities of professional associations

Activity code 94.12
Includes: - activities of obligatory, independent, professional organizations established by law, which exercise public authority, such as: bar associations, medical chambers, notary chambers, etc. - activities of organizations whose members have an interest primarily within a certain professional discipline or profession, such as medical associations, associations of lawyers, associations of accountants, associations of engineers and technicians, associations of architects, etc. - activities of associations of specialists from special fields engaged in scientific, academic or cultural activities, such as writers, painters, artists of all kinds, journalists, etc. - dissemination of information, establishment of standards that are applied in practice and supervision of their application, representation before state bodies and public relations of professional associations - activities of scientific societies. Does not include: - education offered by these organizations, part. 85

Branch 94.2 – Trade union activities

Trade union activity

Activity code 94.20
Includes: - promoting the interests of workers' organizations and trade unions - activities of associations whose members are employees interested primarily in advocating one's own views on wages and working conditions, and coordinating action through the organization - activities of trade unions in individual organizations, activities of trade unions composed of affiliated trade union branches, as well as associations of branch trade unions on a professional or regional basis, according to the type of organizational structure or other criteria. Does not include: - education offered by these organizations, part. 85

Branch 94.9 – Activities of other membership organizations

Activities of religious organizations

Activity code 94.91
Includes: - activities of traditional churches and religious communities, confessional communities and other religious organizations - activities of monasteries, convents and other similar units - activities related to the provision of funeral religious services. Does not include: - education offered by these organizations, part. 85 - health activities of these organizations, part. 86 - social work of these organizations, part. 87 and 88

Activities of political organizations

Activity code 94.92
Includes: - activities of political organizations and their parts (eg youth sections political parties). These organizations primarily deal with influencing decision-making in state bodies by appointing party members or their supporters to state bodies, as well as disseminating information, public relations, raising funds, etc.

Activities of other membership organizations

Activity code 94.99
Includes: - activities of organizations that are not directly related to political parties, although they deal with public issues and goals and influence public education, show political influence, raise funds, etc .: * civic initiatives or protest movements * environmental and environmental movements * organizations that support the social community and educational institutions, not mentioned elsewhere * organizations for the protection and promotion of special groups, for example, ethnic and minority groups * patriotic associations, including fighters' associations - consumer associations - motorists' associations - associations for the purpose of social cohesion (eg Rotary clubs, Masonic lodges, etc.) - youth organizations, youth associations, student organizations, clubs and fraternities, etc. - associations engaged in cultural or recreational activities or hobbies (except sports and games), e.g. poetry, literature and reading clubs, history clubs, film and photography clubs, music and art clubs, artisan and collector's clubs, social clubs, carnival clubs, etc. - providing assistance and giving donations by membership organizations and others organization. Does not include: - charitable activities such as fundraising social work, part. 88.99 - activities of professional art groups or organizations, part. 90.0 - activities of sports clubs, part. 93.12 - activities of professional associations, part. 94.12
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