Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products
Branch 26.1 – Manufacture of electronic components and boards
Manufacture of electronic components
Activity code 26.11Includes the production of semiconductor and other elements for use in electronics: - electronic capacitors - resistors - microprocessor - electric pipes - electronic connectors - unequipped circuit boards - electronic circuits (analogue, digital or hybrid) - diodes, transistors, etc. product - inductors (eg attenuators, coils, transformers) and various electronic elements - mounted piezoelectric crystals and liquid crystals - solenoids, switches and transducers for electronic use - pads, semiconductors, finished or semi-finished - display elements (plasma, polymer, LCD) - light emitting diodes (LEDs) - cables for printers and monitors, USB cables, connectors, etc. Does not include production: - printing of "smart" cards, part. 18.12 - modem, part. 26.30 - computer and television displays, part. 26.20 and 26.40 - X-ray tubes and other laser apparatus, part. 26.60 - optical elements and instruments, part. 26.70 electrical appliances, part. 27 fluorescent lamps, part. 27.11 - electrical relays, part. 27.12 - electrical switches, part. 27.33
Manufacture of printed circuit boards
Activity code 26.12Includes: - assembling the elements on the printed circuit board - production of elements for electronic motherboards - production of inserted electronic cards (eg music, video, control, network, modem, etc.). Does not include: - printing of "smart" cards, part. 18.12 - production of unequipped, electronically printed connections (plates), part. 26.11
Branch 26.2 – Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
Activity code 26.20Includes the manufacture and / or assembly of computers of all types, such as central units, desktops, laptops and servers, and computer peripherals, such as data storage equipment, input and output units (printers, monitors, keyboards, etc.). Computers can be analog, digital, or hybrid. The most common are digital computers and they perform the following: (1) memorize the program or processing programs, as well as the data required for the current implementation of the program (2) can be programmed according to user requirements (3) perform user-specified arithmetic operations (4) without human intervention, carry out the processing program required of them Analog computers can simulate mathematical models and contain all the elements of analog control and programming. It includes the production of: - desktops - central units - laptops - magnetic drives, flash drives and other storage devices - optical discs (eg CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW) - printer, monitor and keyboard - all kinds of mice, game handles and accessories, with an accompanying ball - special purpose computer terminals - server - optical readers, including bar code scanners - smart card readers - a helmet for virtual reality - computer projectors (video transmitters) - computer terminals - multi-purpose office equipment used to perform two or more functions: printing, scanning, photocopying and faxing. Does not include: - duplication of recorded recordings (computer programs, audio and video recordings, etc.), part. 18.2 - manufacture of electronic components, computer equipment and peripheral units, part. 26.1 - production of input-output computer modems, part. 26.12 - production of inserted electronic cards, modules and connectors, part. 26.12 - manufacture of electronic motherboards, part. 26.12 - manufacture of modems and carrier equipment, part. 26.30 - production of digital communication equipment for data transmission, e.g. bridges and router, part. 26.30 - production of electronic devices for general use, e.g. player and DVD player, del. 26.40 - manufacture of televisions, monitors and displays, part. 26.40 - production of video game consoles, part. 26.40 - production of magnetic and optical recording media for computers, part. 26.80
Branch 26.3 – Manufacture of communication equipment
Manufacture of communication equipment
Activity code 26.30It includes the manufacture of telephones and data transmission equipment used electronically transmission of signals by wire or air, such as radio and television transmission and wireless communication. Includes production: - communication equipment for central units - cordless phones - PBX equipment - telephone and fax machines, including answering machines - data transmission equipment, e.g. transmission and router - transmitting and receiving antennas - cable television equipment - pager - mobile phones and mobile telephony equipment - radio and television studio equipment and portable equipment, including television cameras - modems and portable equipment - burglar and fire alarm systems that send signals to the supervisor stations - radio and television transmitters - communication aids that use infrared signals (eg remote controls). Does not include production: - electronic elements and subassemblies / subassemblies used in communication equipment, including embedded / external computer modems, part. 26.12 - computers and peripherals, part. 26.20 - consumer electronics, part. 26.40 - GPS equipment, part. 26.51 - electrical traffic signals, part. 27.90 - traffic light, part. 27.90
Branch 26.4 – Manufacture of consumer electronics
Manufacture of consumer electronics
Activity code 26.40It includes the production of audio and video equipment for the house, motor vehicles, public systems notifications and amplifiers for musical instruments. Includes production: - equipment for recording and duplicating video cassettes - TV - television monitors and displays - equipment for recording and duplicating sound recordings - stereo equipment - radio receivers - sound transmission system (intercom, etc.) - home type video camera - Jukebox - amplifiers for musical instruments and public information systems - microphone - CD and DVD players - Karaoke machines - video game console Does not include: - duplication of recorded media, audio, video, etc., part. 18.2 - manufacture of computer peripherals and computer monitors, part. 26.20 - manufacture of answering machines, part. 26.30 - manufacture of search equipment, part. 26.30 - manufacture of remote control devices, part. 26.30 - production of radio and television studio equipment and portable equipment, such as reproduction equipment, transmitting and receiving antennas, commercial video cameras, etc., del. 26.30 - manufacture of digital cameras, part. 26.70 - production of electronic games with fixed (irreplaceable) software, part. 32.40
Branch 26.5 – Manufacture of measuring, research and navigation instruments and apparatus; watch production
Manufacture of measuring, research and navigation instruments and apparatus
Activity code 26.51Includes production: - aircraft instruments - test equipment for exhaust gases from cars - meteorological equipment - equipment for testing and examination of physical characteristics - printing machines - radiation detection devices and radiation control equipment - instruments for research tests and measurements - thermometers (except medical) - fire control apparatus and burners - spectrometers - pneumatic testers - devices for measuring consumption (eg water, gas, electricity) - flow measuring devices and measuring devices - machines and apparatus for testing the physical properties of materials - mine detector, pulse generator (signal); metal detector - search, detection, navigation, aeronautical and nautical equipment - radar equipment - GPS devices - environmental control devices and automatic device control - motion detectors - radar - laboratory analytical instruments (eg blood analysis equipment) - laboratory scales, scales, incubators and various laboratory measuring apparatus, testing, etc. Does not include production: - answering machines, part. 26.30 ventilation equipment, part. 26.60 optical positioning equipment, part. 26.70 - dictation machine, part. 28.23 - weight measuring devices (excluding laboratory scales), levellers, tailors, etc., del. 28.29 - medical thermometers, part. 32.50 control equipment for industrial processes, part. 33.20 - simple mechanical measuring devices (eg measuring tapes, compasses); look production group according to the material used as the main one
Manufacture of watches and clocks
Activity code 26.52Includes production: - clocks, clocks, time recording apparatus and their parts - clocks and watches of all kinds, including instrument panel clocks - watch cases, watch cases and cabinets, including those of precious metal - time recording apparatus and measuring, recording and other indicating apparatus time intervals such as: * parking clocks, chronometers and clocks for entering time and date - time switches and clocks in the production process and similar devices - parts for clocks and clocks such as: * springs, axle bearings, dials, housings of any material. Does not include: - manufacture of non-metallic bracelets for watches, part. 15.12 - manufacture of watch glass, part. 23.19 - manufacture of bracelets for watches of precious metal, part. 32.12 - manufacture of bracelets for watches of common metal, part. 32.13 - watch repair, part. 95.25
Branch 26.6 – Manufacture of radiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
Activity code 26.60Includes production: - radiation apparatus and tubes (eg industrial, medical, diagnostic, medical-therapeutic and research-scientific) - X-ray machines and devices that use alpha, beta or gamma rays - CT scanner - PET scanner - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment - medical ultrasound equipment - electromedical endoscopic equipment - medical laser devices - pacemaker - hearing aids - apparatus for sterilization of milk and food by radiation. Does not include: - production of solarium, part. 28.99
Branch 26.7 – Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
Activity code 26.70Includes production: - optical mirrors - optical and safety equipment - optical positioning equipment - optical magnification equipment - optical comparators - film and digital cameras - movie projectors and slide projectors - projector - optical measuring and control devices and instruments - lenses, optical microscopes, binoculars and telescopes - laser devices. Does not include production: - computer projectors, part. 26.20 - commercial TV and video cameras, part. 26.30 - consumer video camera, part. 26.40 - complete equipment containing laser components, part. 26.60 photocopier, part. 28.23 - spectacles of all kinds, spectacle lenses and contact lenses, part. 32.50
Branch 26.8 – Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
Activity code 26.80Includes: - production of magnetic or optical recording media (blank magnetic, audio and video tapes, diskettes, audio and video cassettes, laser plates, etc.). Does not include: - duplication of recorded recordings (computer, audio, video, etc.), part. 18.2

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