Social protection with accommodation
Branch 87.1 – Activities of accommodation establishments with medical care
Activities of accommodation establishments with medical care
Activity code 87.10Includes: - homes for the elderly with care - nursing homes with medical care. Does not include: - professional home health care services, part. 86 - homes for the elderly without medical care or with minimal medical care, part. 87.30 - social work activities with accommodation, such as orphanages, children's resorts and homes and temporary shelters for the homeless, part. 87.90
Branch 87.2 – Social care in accommodation establishments for persons with disabilities, mentally ill persons and persons with addiction diseases
Social care in accommodation establishments for persons with disabilities, mentally ill persons and persons with addiction
Activity code 87.20It includes the provision of accommodation and care (without a license for hospital care) to mentally ill persons and persons with addiction diseases. The facilities provide accommodation, food, supervision, protection, counseling and some forms of health care. Includes: - activity of institutions with accommodation: * facilities for treatment of alcohol and drug addicts * homes for psychiatric recovery * homes for people with emotional problems * institutions for people with mental disabilities * day hospitals for mental health. Does not include: - mental health hospitals, part. 86.10 - social work with provided accommodation and temporary shelters for the homeless, del. 87.90
Branch 87.3 – Operation of institutions for the elderly and persons with special needs
Operation of institutions for the elderly and persons with special needs
Activity code 87.30It includes accommodation and care services for the elderly and people with special needs who are unable to take care of themselves or do not want to live independently. Care includes accommodation, food, supervision and assistance in daily life, such as household maintenance services. In some cases, these units provide qualified medical care for those located in separate rooms within the facility. Includes: - help in meeting basic living needs - permanent care for pensioners - homes for the elderly with minimal medical care - homes for the elderly and disabled without hospital care. Does not include: - homes for the elderly with medical care, part. 87.10 - social work with accommodation where medical care or education is not primary character, part. 87.90
Branch 87.9 – Other forms of social protection with accommodation
Other forms of social protection with accommodation
Activity code 87.90It includes accommodation and care services for people (except for the elderly and people with special needs) who cannot take care of themselves or do not want to live independently. Includes: - all-day provision of social assistance to children and special categories of people with certain limitations in their ability to take care of themselves, but where medical care or education are not essential elements: * orphanages * children's homes and shelters * educational and correctional homes for youth * temporary shelters for the homeless * institutions for the care of single mothers and their children * groups of homes for resocialization of persons with social and personal problems * homes for re-socialization of criminals and perpetrators of criminal acts * correctional facilities for minors Activities can be performed by state institutions and private organizations. Does not include: - financing and management of compulsory social insurance programs, part. 84.30 - medical institutions, part. 87.10 - homes for the elderly and persons with special needs, part. 87.30 - adoption activities, part. 88.99 - activities of short-term shelters for victims of natural and other disasters, del. 88.99

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