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Financial services, except insurance and pension funding

Financial services, except insurance and pension funding

Branch 64.1 – Monetary intermediation

Central bank

Activity code 64.11
Includes: - issuance and management of national currency - supervision and control of the money supply - receiving deposits used for clearing between financial institutions - supervision of banking operations - holding foreign exchange reserves of the state - performing banking operations for the state

Other monetary intermediation

Activity code 64.19
It includes receiving deposits and / or close substitutes for deposits and, on the other hand, providing credit or loan funds to users. Lending, in addition to the usual bank loans, can occur in different forms, such as: mortgage loans, credit card loans, etc. These activities are performed by monetary institutions other than the central bank, such as: - banks - savings banks - credit unions Also included are services provided by: - postal giro banks and postal savings banks - specialized depository institutions for approving housing loans - institutions that perform the activity of referral transactions (payment / withdrawal of money referral) and money transfers. Does not include: - approval of housing and other types of loans by non-deposit credit institutions, part. 64.92 - processing of credit card transactions, clearing and settlement for the account other persons, part. 66.19

Branch 64.2 – Activity of holding companies

Activity of holding companies

Activity code 64.20
It covers the activity of a holding company, ie. legal entities that are engaged in "holding" the assets of a group of subsidiaries (having a controlling level of their share capital) and whose predominant activity is the ownership of a group of companies. Holding companies that fall into this activity do not provide any other services to companies whose capital they own, ie. they do not perform current administrative and managerial tasks of subsidiaries. Does not include: - active management of companies, strategic planning and decision-making in companies, part. 70.10

Branch 64.3 – Trust funds (trusts), investment funds and similar financial entities

Trusts, investment funds and similar financial entities

Activity code 64.30
It includes legal entities organized with the aim of pooling financial resources that are available and managed on behalf of investors or users, where the investment (portfolio) management is performed by specialized fund management companies. The portfolios of these funds are tailored to optimize certain ones investment characteristics, such as: investment diversification, risk, rate of return and price volatility. These entities generate interest income, dividends and other property income, with few or no employees, and do not engage in any other economic activity. Includes: - open-end investment funds - closed-end investment funds - private investment funds - trust funds (trusts), bequest funds and agency or trust accounts which are disposed of and managed on behalf of investors or users of fund assets in accordance with the terms of the trust agreement (trust), will or agency account agreement - unit investment trusts and other funds and trusts established with the aim of increasing the personal assets of investors or founders. Does not include: - funds and trusts that profit from the production or sale of goods and services (see their predominant activity) - activity holding company, part. 64.20 - pension funds, part. 65.30 - fund management, ie. fund management companies, part. 66.30 - endowments, foundations and non-profit funds established for the purpose of awarding funds for humanitarian, cultural-artistic, scientific and similar purposes (awarding prizes, scholarships, grants, donations, etc.), part. 94.99 Trust or fiduciary services of a personal, administrative and executive nature without investment (portfolio) management are included in 66.19. Trust or fiduciary services that include investment (portfolio) management, ie. authorization to make investment decisions on the basis of entrusted funds, are included in 66.30.

Branch 64.9– Other financial services, except insurance and pension funds

Financial leasing

Activity code 64.91
It includes leasing services when the lease period approximately covers the expected life of the leased asset, whereby the lessee obtains substantially all benefits from its use and assumes all risks associated with ownership of the asset. Ownership of the asset may or may not be transferred to the lessee upon expiration of the lease. This type of lease covers all or almost all of the costs of using the leased asset, including interest. Does not include: - operating leases, by type of leased goods, part. 77

Other lending services

Activity code 64.92
It includes financial services related to lending by non-depository institutions that are not involved in monetary intermediation, whereby lending of funds can take various forms such as: cash loans, mortgage loans, credit card issuance, etc. The following types of services are classified in this group: - approval of consumer loans, ie. financing the purchase of goods and services, except by banks and other monetary institutions - financing of international trade by specialized non-deposit institutions (financing of permanent working capital of domestic exporters, granting loans to buyers of domestic goods and services abroad, lending and refinancing of loans to domestic exporters and other forms of export financing) - providing long-term funds to the economy by non-deposit credit institutions whose founders are companies (Industral banks / Industrial loan companes, non-deposit) - other forms of borrowing funds outside the banking system - approval of housing loans by specialized non-deposit institutions - services of pawnshops and pledge brokers. Does not include: - approval of housing loans by specialized institutions that are at the same time depository institutions, ie. collect deposits, part. 64.19 - operating leases by type of leased goods, part. 77 - donor and similar activities of organizations financed on the basis of membership fees, del. 94.99 Collection of deposits and lending of funds from these deposits is included in 64.19.

Other financial services nec, except insurance and pension funding

Activity code 64.99
Includes: - other financial intermediation services, which primarily relate to other types of financing, except through loan approval: * factoring * services related to swaps, options and other hedging instruments * activity of companies for screw settlements (purchase of life insurance policies) - activities of investing financial resources for one's own account (primarily in equity securities and shares), such as venture capital of companies, investment clubs (partnerships) and similar legal entities established for the purpose of pooling financial resources and their investment through the granting of loans and the issue of debt securities, part 64.92) - investment banking services - dealer operations on financial markets for own account - guarantee and related services, except in the case of standardized guarantee schemes that operate in accordance with the principles of non-life insurance, part. 65.12. Does not include: - financial leasing, part. 64.91 - operations with securities for someone else's account, part. 66.12 - trade, leasing and leasing of real estate, part. 68 - collection of receivables on behalf of other persons without redemption of debts (bill collection), "Debt collection"), part. 82.91 - donor and similar activities of organizations financed on the basis of membership fees, del. 94.99
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