Amendment of the statute of the citizens’ association
Use our experience in registering changes to the association’s statute

The statute of the citizens’ association regulates all important issues related to the functioning and work of the association. Whenever there is a change in any of these issues, there is a change in the statute itself.
Align the statute with the changes within the association
The statute is a constitutive and basic general act of the association, and in accordance with that, all other general acts must be in accordance with it. As such, the statute regulates all aspects of the organization of citizens’ associations, such as name and seat, area of achieving goals, internal organization and other issues important for the work of the association. If there is a change in any of these issues, there is a change in the statute in that part. Do you need to change the statute?
What are the main reasons for changing the statute of the association ?
What does the process look like?
How does Direkta help you register change quickly and efficiently?
04 steps
You need a consultation regarding
registration of changes to the statute?
If you have a specific situation related to the change of the statute, it is best to consult with our consultants before initiating the procedure.
Quickly and easily start the process of changing the association’s statute
You can initiate the procedure of changing the statute at any time, by contacting our customer support via online chat or ordering a package of services with the provision of all necessary information to initiate the procedure.Na ovaj način obezbeđujete brzo pokretanje postupka i stručnu podršku pri dobijanju svih potrebnih informacija o neophodnim koracima koje bi trebalo preduzeti kako biste registrovali promenu statuta udruženja u što kraćem roku.
Save money
Multiple changes in one application
If you need more changes (change of business name with a change of headquarters and activities, for example), our advice is to report them at the same time. This way you get efficiency and great time savings. In addition, we are happy to meet the needs of our clients and we make half the price for each subsequent change. When ordering the service of registration of several simultaneous changes, our online calculator will calculate the exact amount of our service with the included fees of the Business Registers Agency.
Popular Choice
Amendment of the statute of the citizens' association
- Preparation of documentation
- Change registration fees
- Conducting the procedure
- Download solutions
- Monitoring the status of cases
Promotional offer with a special price for change of statute is also valid:

Track your subject change
Our clients get access to a system for tracking the status of cases to always be up to date with the procedure
We have enabled you to follow in real time what is happening with your procedure for changing the statute, from initiating the case to making a decision and downloading the documentation in electronic form.
You are in the right place
Why choose Direkta for
registration of a change of statute?
What is required from the documents for registration of the change of the statute?
A registration application, proof of payment of the registration fee, a decision of the competent authority on the change of data, a decision on amendments to the statute as well as a consolidated text of the statute are required.
How much is the fee for registering a change in the statute?
The fee for registration of a change in the statute in the Business Registers Agency is RSD 2,800.00.
Is there a deadline within which a change in the statute must be registered?
Exists. The change of the statute must be applied for registration within 15 days from the day of the change.
Is it better for the association to register several changes at once or to register them one by one?
In case you need to register more changes, it is always better to register them at once, in the same registration application. In that case, you pay half the price for each subsequent change.
What happens if the change is not reported within the given deadline?
In that case, in addition to the registration fee, an additional fee in the amount of 6,000.00 RSD is paid.
Which body of the association makes the decision to change the statute?
The decision to change the statute is made by the assembly of the association, unless the statute itself prescribes otherwise.
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relevant aspects for registration of changes.
relevant aspects for registration of changes.