Manufacture of other transport equipment
Branch 30.1 – Construction of ships and boats
Construction of ships and craft
Activity code 30.11It includes the construction of ships, except for ships intended for sports and recreation, as well as construction of navigable structures: - construction of commercial ships: * passenger ships, ferries, cargo tankers, etc. - construction of warships - construction of fishing boats - construction of speedboats and hovercrafts (except recreational) - construction of drilling platforms, navigable or submersible - construction of navigable structures: * floating docks, pontoons and caissons, landing platforms, barges, tugs, floating cranes, non-recreational inflatable rafts, etc. - production of parts for ships and navigable structures. Does not include: - production of parts for ships and assembly units such as: * sails, part. 13.92 * marine propellers, part. 25.99 * steel and iron anchors, part. 25.99 * marine engines, part. 28.11 * navigation instruments, part. 26.51 * lighting equipment for ships, part. 27.40 - manufacture of amphibious vehicles, part. 29.10 - manufacture of inflatable boats or rafts, for recreation, part. 30.12 - repair and maintenance of ships and boats, part. 33.15 - cutting of ships, part. 38.31 - interior fitting of ships, part. 43.3
Production of boats for sports and leisure
Activity code 30.12Includes: - production of inflatable boats and rafts - production of sailboats with or without an auxiliary engine - production of motor boats for leisure - production of jet skis - production of other boats for leisure and sports: * kayaks, canoes, skiffs, etc. Does not include: - production of parts of boats for leisure and sports: * sails, part. 13.92 anchors of steel and iron, part. 25.99 * marine engines, part. 28.11 * surfboards, part. 32.30 - repair and maintenance of boats for sports and recreation, part. 33.15
Branch 30.2 – Manufacture of locomotives and rolling stock
Manufacture of locomotives and rolling stock
Activity code 30.20Includes: - production of diesel, electric, steam and other locomotives - manufacture of self - propelled railway and tramway wagons and maintenance vehicles, or servicing - production of rolling stock for railway and tram traffic, without own plant: * passenger wagons, freight wagons, tank wagons, wagons with automatic unloading, workshop wagons, crane wagons, tenders, etc. - production of special parts for railway and tram locomotives and wagons: * bogies, axles and wheels, brakes and parts for them * hook and coupling of wagons, bumpers and parts for them; shock absorber * wagon skeleton and locomotive; bodywork; joints for passage between wagons, etc. - production of mining locomotives and wagons - production of mechanical and electromechanical devices for signaling, safety control and management of railway, tram and road traffic inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations and airports - factory renovation and repair of rail vehicles - production of seats for rail vehicles. Does not include production: - unassembled rails, part. 24.10 - components for fastening railway tracks, part. 25.99 - electric motor, part. 27.11 - electrical equipment: signal, protective and traffic control, part. 27.90 - engine and turbine, part. 28.11
Branch 30.3 – Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related equipment
Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related equipment
Activity code 30.30Includes production: - aircraft for the transport of goods or passengers, for the armed forces, for sports and other purposes - Helicopter - sailboats and piloted kites - airships and balloons - aircraft parts and accessories from this group: * main parts such as the fuselage, wings, doors, control surfaces, devices for landing, fuel tanks, cockpits, etc. * propeller, rotor and rotor blades for helicopters * general type engines used for aircraft * parts of turboreactor and turbopropeller - spacecraft, launch pads, satellites, planetary probes, spacecraft ships, etc. - aircraft seats - Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM). Does not include production: - parachute, part. 13.92 - military weapons and ammunition, part. 25.40 telecommunications equipment for satellites, part. 26.30 - aeronautical instruments and aeronautical instruments for aircraft, part. 26.51 - aircraft navigation systems, part. 26.51 lighting equipment for aircraft, part. 27.40 - starting devices and other electrical parts for internal motors combustion, part. 27.90 pistons, piston rings and carburetors, part. 28.11 aircraft launching equipment (for aircraft carriers) and similar equipment, part. 28.99
Branch 30.4 – Manufacture of military combat vehicles
Manufacture of military combat vehicles
Activity code 30.40Includes production: - tanks - armed amphibious vehicles - other military combat vehicles. Does not include: - production of weapons and ammunition, part. 25.40
Branch 30.9 – Manufacture of other transport equipment
Manufacture of motorcycles
Activity code 30.91Includes production: - motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles with auxiliary motor - motorcycle engines - motorcycle trailer - parts and accessories for motorcycles. Does not include production: - bicycles, part. 30.92 - wheelchairs, part. 30.92
Manufacture of bicycles and wheelchairs
Activity code 30.92Includes production: - bicycles and similar motorless vehicles (including tricycles for transport goods), children's bicycles and tricycles - parts and accessories for bicycles, etc. - wheelchair, with or without motorbike - parts and accessories for means of transport for the disabled - prams. Does not include production: - bicycles with auxiliary motor, part. 30.91 - toy vehicles designed for riding, including plastic bicycles and tricycles, part. 32.40
Manufacture of other transport equipment
Activity code 30.99Includes production: - handcarts: luggage carts, sledges, shopping carts, etc. - harnessed vehicles: single-carriages, donkey-drawn carriages, hearses, etc. Does not include production: - industrial transport vehicles, including self-propelled vehicles, part. 28.22 - decorative trolleys for restaurants

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