Manufacture of food products
Branch 10.1 – Processing and preserving of meat and meat products
Processing and preserving of meat
Activity code 10.11Includes: - the production of fresh, chilled or frozen bone-in meat - production of fresh, chilled or frozen meat in pieces - slaughter and processing of whales on land or on specialized (vessels) ships - preparation of raw large and small skins from slaughterhouses - production of edible animal fats - processing of animal offal - production of tufted wool. Does not include: - production of edible fat from poultry, del. 10.12 - packing of meat, part. 82.92
Processing and preserving of poultry meat
Activity code 10.12Includes: - slaughter, preparation and packaging of poultry - production of fresh, chilled or frozen poultry meat - production of edible fats from poultry - production of feathers and feathers. Does not include: - poultrymeat packaging, part. 82.92
Manufacture of meat products
Activity code 10.13Includes: - the production of dried, salted or smoked meat production of meat products: sausage, salami, blood sausage and liver, salfalad, pate, cooked ham, etc. Does not include: - Manufacture of prepared meat dishes, del. 10.85 - production of prepared meat soups, part. 10.89 - wholesale of meat and meat products, del. 46.32 - packaging services, part. 82.92
Branch 10.2 – Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
Activity code 10.20Includes: - processing and canning of fish, crustaceans and molluscs by freezing, deep freezing, drying, cooking, smoking, salting, putting in brine, putting in cans, etc. - production of fish, crustaceans and molluscs: cooked fish, fish fillets, caviar, caviar, substitutes for caviar, etc. - production of food from fish and other aquatic organisms, for humans and animals - activity of ships that are exclusively engaged in fish processing and canning - processing of sea vegetation. Does not include: - processing and canning of fish on fishing vessels, part. 03.11 - processing of whales on land or on specialized ships, part. 10.11 - production of oils and fats from marine animals, del. 10.41 - production of ready-made frozen fish dishes, part. 10.85 - production of fish soup, part. 10.89
Branch 10.3 – Processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables
Processing and preserving of potatoes
Activity code 10.31Includes: - processing and preserving of potatoes: * production of frozen potatoes * production of dried potatoes for the preparation of mashed potatoes * production of french fries and similar products * production of crisps (crispy potatoes) * production of flour, groats, etc. of potatoes * industrial potato peeling
Production of fruit and vegetable juices
Activity code 10.32Includes: - production of fruit or vegetable juices - production of fresh fruit and vegetable concentrates
Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
Activity code 10.39Includes: - the production of food in which the main ingredient is fruit or vegetables, with the exception of ready meals, frozen or preserved - canning of fruit, nuts or vegetables by freezing, drying, by putting in oil or vinegar, by putting in cans, etc. - the production of food products from fruits or vegetables - production of compote, jam, marmalade and fruit jelly - roasting of kernels (walnut) - production of spreads and other products from nuts (nuts) - production of perishable food from fruits or vegetables such as salads, mixed salads, etc. production of peeled or sliced fruit production of soya cheese (tofu) Does not include: - production of fruit and vegetable juices, del. 10.32 - production of flour or groats from dried beans, part. 10.61 - production of candied fruit and nuts, part. 10.82 - Manufacture of prepared vegetable dishes, del. 10.85 - production of artificial concentrates, part. 10.89
Branch 10.4 – Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
Manufacture of oils and fats
Activity code 10.41Includes: - production of various types of crude vegetable oil: olive, soybean, palm, sunflower, cottonseed oil, rapeseed or mustard oil, linseed oil, etc. - production of non-defatted flour and groats by grinding oil seeds, oil fruits kernels and kernels, etc. - production of refined vegetable oil - Vegetable oil treatment - production of inedible animal oils and fats - production of fish oil and marine mammal oil - production of cotton lintres (cotton fiber waste), oil cake and others by-products in oil production
Manufacture of margarine and similar edible fats
Activity code 10.42Includes: - margarine production - production of mixtures of margarines with additives and similar spreads - production of mixed cooking fats
Branch 10.5 – Manufacture of dairy products
Milk processing and cheese production
Activity code 10.51Includes: - production of fresh, pasteurized, sterilized and homogenized milk or processing milk at high temperature - production of milk beverages - production of milk powder or condensed milk, sweetened or unsweetened - sour cream production - butter production - yogurt production - cheese and urda production - whey production - production of casein, milk sugar (lactose), etc. Does not include: - production of raw cow's milk, part. 01.41 - production of raw milk (sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, camels, etc.), del. 01.43, 01.44 i 01.45 production of substitutes for milk, cheese, etc., part. 10.89
Manufacture of ice cream
Activity code 10.52Includes: - production of ice cream and other edible frozen mixtures. Does not include: - production of ice cream in confectioneries and ice cream machines, part. 56.10
Branch 10.6 – Manufacture of mill products, starch and starch products
Manufacture of grain mill products
Activity code 10.61Includes: - grain milling: production of flour, bite, meal or pellets of wheat, rye, oats, corn and other types of grain - processing of rice: production of blanched, polished, glazed, partially cooked or converted rice - production of cereals for breakfast - the production of rice flour - vegetable milling: production of flour and groats from dried leguminous vegetables, roots and tubers - production of a mixture of flour for making bread, cakes, small dry pastries, pancakes, etc. Does not include: - production of flour and potato groats, part. 10.31 - wet grinding of maize, part. 10.62
Manufacture of starches and starch products
Activity code 10.62Includes: - production of starch from rice, potatoes, maize, etc. - wet milling (corn) - production of corn oil - production of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, etc. - gluten production - production of tapioca and substitutes for tapioca prepared from starch. Does not include: - lactose production, part. 10.51 - manufacture of cane or beet sugar, part. 10.81
Branch 10.7 – Manufacture of bakery products and pasta
Manufacture of bread, fresh pastry goods and cakes
Activity code 10.71Includes: - production of bakery products: * bread and pastries * sweets, cakes, pies, pancakes, waffles, muffins, etc. Does not include production: - all durable bakery products, del. 10.72 pasta, part. 10.73 bakery products for current consumption, part. 56
Manufacture of biscuits, biscuits, cakes and pastries
Activity code 10.72Includes production: - rusks and "dry" bakery products - biscuits - canned dough products and canned cakes - sweet or savory snack products (cookies, crackers, pretzels) - rounds and cornets. Does not include: - manufacture of potato chips and similar products, part. 10.31
Manufacture of macaroni, noodles and similar flour products
Activity code 10.73Includes production: - Macaroni and noodles, cooked or uncooked, stuffed or not - couscous, etc. - frozen or canned pasta. Does not include: - Manufacture of prepared pasta dishes, del. 10.85 - production of ready-made soups with pasta, part. 10.89
Branch 10.8– Manufacture of other food products
Production of sugar
Activity code 10.81Includes production: - and refining sugars or sugar substitutes from the juice of cane, beet, maple, palm, etc. - sugar syrup - molasses - maple syrup and sugar. Does not include: - production of glucose and glucose syrup and maltose, del. 10.62
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and confectionery
Activity code 10.82Includes production: - cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa fat, cocoa butter, etc. - chocolate and chocolate candies - confectionery products: caramels, nougat, fondant, white chocolate, etc. - bubble gum - Candied fruits, bony fruits (walnuts), fruit bark and other parts of plants - candy to ease health problems. Does not include: - Sucrose production, part. 10.81
Tea and coffee processing
Activity code 10.83Includes: - decaffeination and roasting of coffee - production of coffee products: * ground coffee * instant coffee (instant coffee) * coffee extracts and concentrates - production of coffee substitutes - production of blends of tea and mate tea - packaging of tea, including packaging in bags - production of tea from other plants (mate, chamomile, linden, etc.) - production of extracts and preparations which essentially contain tea or mate - production of herbal mixtures (mint, willow, chamomile). Does not include: - cultivation of tea on plantations, part. 01.27 - inulin production, part. 10.62 - production of spirits, beer, wine and juices, part. 11 - manufacture of herbal products for pharmaceutical use, part. 21.20
Manufacture of condiments and seasonings
Activity code 10.84Includes: - production of spices, sauces and other additives such as: * mayonnaise * mustard flour and semolina * prepared mustard, etc. - production of vinegar - processing of raw salt into edible salt. Does not include: - cultivation of spices, part. 01.28 - Salt extraction, del. 08.93
Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes
Activity code 10.85It includes the production of ready meals (ie spiced, cooked and prepared for consumption), frozen, vacuumed or canned. This group does not include preparation of meals for immediate consumption, such as in restaurants. To be considered a dish, this food must contain at least two different ingredients (excluding spices). Includes production: - ready meals of various types of meat (canned food, etc.) - fish dishes, including fish and chips - vegetable dishes - frozen national dishes and pizzas
Manufacture of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food
Activity code 10.86Includes: - production of food for dietary purposes: * baby food * dairy and other complementary foods with special nutritional supplements * baby food * low-calorie foods and foods with reduced caloric value intended to regulate body weight * diet foods for special medical purposes for * foods with reduced sodium content, including dietary salts with reduced with or without sodium content * gluten free foods * food for use during strenuous physical exertion, especially for athletes * food for diabetics, etc.
Manufacture of other food products
Activity code 10.89Includes: - production of soups and stews - yeast production - production of powdered eggs, albumin, etc. - production of artificial honey and caramel - production of baking powder - production of honey products - production of flavored syrups - production of pectic substances - production of easily perishable foods such as: * sandwiches * fresh, unbaked pizza - production of food additives and other unmentioned foods - the production of extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans or molluscs - production of substitutes for cheese or milk - production of albumin and other egg products - production of artificial concentrates
Branch 10.9– Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
Manufacture of prepared feeds for domestic animals
Activity code 10.91Includes: - the production of prepared feed for domestic animals, including concentrates for nutrition animal - production of unmixed feed for livestock - processing of slaughterhouse waste to obtain animal feed. Does not include: - production of fish feed for animal nutrition, del. 10.20 - production of oil cakes, part. 10.41 - activities that generate waste that, although unprocessed, can be food for animals, e.g. oil seed residues (part 10.41), grain milling residues (part 10.61), etc.
Manufacture of prepared pet foods
Activity code 10.92Includes: - production of pet food (dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc.) - processing of slaughterhouse waste to obtain pet food. Does not include: - production of fish feed for animal nutrition, del. 10.20 - production of oil cakes, part. 10.41 - activities that generate waste that, although unprocessed, can be food for animals, e.g. oil seed residues (part 10.41), grain milling residues (part 10.61), etc.

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