Registration of entrepreneurial changes
Efficiently and quickly implement the process of registering all changes for the entrepreneur
How does the process start?
To start the process of registering any change for an entrepreneur, you need to fill in an online form with data. The whole process is automated so that you can monitor the status of the process at any time and plan your business accordingly.
How long does the process take?
All actions required for registration of changes can be realized without the personal presence of the entrepreneur. The process of data processing from the form, preparation of documentation and registration itself takes 5-7 working days in the maximum period.
Can multiple changes be made at once?
If there is a need, it is recommended to make several changes in one registration cycle. When several changes are made at once, the fees are reduced, and the deadline for execution is the same as when only one change is made.
Change of activity code
Entrepreneur’s activity
Changing the code of the predominant activity provides an opportunity for the entrepreneur to fully adapt to market changes and new business opportunities.

Business name change
Business name of the entrepreneur
If you want to change your business name or specific name to create a different identity, register the change with our expert advice on choosing a new name.
Report a change of address
Entrepreneur’s headquarters
The seat is an integral part of the entrepreneur’s business name and you are obliged to register the change when you decide to change the place of business management.

Change of legal form
Re-registration in d.o.o.
A change in legal form is most often registered due to limited liability of the owner, expansion of capacity, increase in income or number of employees.
Temporary suspension / continuation of activities
Standstill of entrepreneurs
The entrepreneur has the legal option of registering a break in work, as well as continuing to perform activities with the same name, the same seat and with the same predominant activity.

Successful implementation of procedures
A high percentage of adopted applications for registration of changes from the first time guarantees you expertise, time savings and the best cost optimization.
Short execution deadlines
Once the change registration process is well organized, you can resume regular business activities within 48 hours.
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